How intermittent fasting causes weight loss | What is intermittent fasting Benefits of intermittent fasting
How intermittent fasting causes weight loss
Intermittent fasting is a method where you consume calories only once a day instead of consuming them three times a day. The theory behind intermittent fasting is that human beings eat throughout the day and not just at night. Therefore, if you skip eating for 12 hours, the body would have time to burn fat and lose weight.
What is intermittent fasting?
Fasting for 12-48 hours may sound weird, but it works. When we fast, our bodies enter a state called ketosis, or 'fat-burning mode. In this state, our brains run off glucose (a type of sugar) rather than brain cells from fats. Thus, our body begins to break down fat into its basic units.
How does intermittent fasting work?
When you're fasting, your body is forced into using stored glycogen (carbohydrate) as fuel. While doing this, your liver produces ketones (which are used as energy). As a result, your body enters a state known as ketosis. Ketosis causes fat-burning without hunger! However, you should still keep in mind that you still need to maintain a diet rich in protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals.
Why do I need to consider intermittent fasting?
Research shows that people who adhere to intermittent fasting tend to weigh less than those who don't. Additionally, they have lower blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides, and LDL levels.
Benefits of intermittent fasting
When the body is deprived of food and drink, its metabolic rate decreases. In simple terms, this means that fewer calories are being consumed. Also, the body starts using stored fat for fuel instead of carbs. This helps burn fat faster at rest and boosts the metabolic rate. As we continue to eat throughout the day, the body starts storing glucose (carbohydrates) for later use.
Another benefit of fasting is that it reduces insulin levels. Insulin is a hormone that is released after eating and regulates blood sugar levels. By reducing insulin release, fasting lowers blood sugar levels thus controlling diabetes.
An additional benefit of fasting is that the body begins to metabolize protein by breaking it down into amino acids. These amino acids are then converted back into protein once the fasting stage ends.
Boosts Mood & Productivity
Studies have shown that intermittent fasting increases levels of human growth hormone (HGH), which stimulates the production and release of neurotransmitters dopamine and norepinephrine, causing increased feelings of well-being and happiness. HGH also boosts mental performance and memory retention, which may help improve concentration.
Increase Energy Levels
One of the biggest benefits of intermittent fasting is its positive effect on energy levels. When you skip meals during periods of fasting, your body naturally releases leptin – a hormone that helps regulate hunger and caloric intake. Leptin is released after eating and triggers feelings of fullness, making you feel satiated. In addition to reducing cravings and satisfying appetite, fasting also reduces cortisol and insulin, two hormones that cause fatigue.
Improves Sleep Quality
Intermittent fasting gives your body enough time to rest, recover, and regenerate before you start the cycle again. Because of this, you should experience improved sleep quality and reduced insomnia and snore. Intermittent fasting forces your body to use stored fat as fuel instead of relying on processed food for energy. Fatty acids are converted into ketones, which increase metabolic rate and boost mood. This also enhances sleep quality by helping you get deeper and longer-lasting REM cycles.
Protects Against Cancer
Most cancer cells rely on glucose to survive – this makes them highly susceptible to starvation therapy. Therefore, intermittent fasting causes tumor shrinkage and inhibits cancer growth. Studies show that fasting decreases circulating blood sugar levels, which kills off cancerous cells.
Eliminates Cravings
While eating regularly tends to trigger mindless consumption and overeating, skipping breakfast and lunch is good for your cravings. If you eat something nutritious, such as oatmeal or eggs, at least once every three hours throughout the day, you won't be as hungry during those times. You'll also find yourself less prone to snack attacks when you're not starving. When it comes to dieting, intermittent fasting is one of the easiest habits to adopt.
Increases Immunity
By avoiding calorie-loaded foods and drinking plenty of water throughout the day, you will keep your immune system strong. Water helps flush toxins out of the body, and when you drink it regularly it keeps your liver working properly. Your body doesn't have to work hard to digest solid food, which means you don't have to work as hard to fight infections and diseases.
Why do some people fail?
Some people think that intermittent fasting is hard; however, they forget that you need to eat around 70% of calories from fat. If you consume these calories in small portions, then it's unlikely that you'll overeat.
You also need to make sure that your meals are well-balanced. Eating meals consisting of lots of carbs and no protein or fat could lead to muscle loss and low energy levels.
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