How to take care for sensitive skin properly

How to take care for sensitive skin properly

About half of the people suffer from sensitive skin, which is also called sensitive skin. This type of skin disorder has been steadily increasing in recent years. The signs appear mostly in the form of red, exciting, or itchy skin.

The sensitive skin reacts to corresponding influences, which usually have external causes. The causes are not always easy to deduce, including hormonal changes, a dissolute lifestyle, and stress that can irritate sensitive skin. Often, however, there are things that directly surround you, such as cold, UV radiation, or even dry air.
This can affect individual areas of the skin or even the whole body. Also, special functions of the skin can be affected.

Symptoms of sensitive skin

The symptoms of sensitive skin are extremely complex. Often the skin tenses and may also show redness. In some cases, the skin tends to dry and itching appears. In addition, the skin can also shed.

Why you should definitely treat sensitive skin
The outer area of the skin is the natural protective layer against all negative environmental influences from the outside. In addition, this area prevents that we lose moisture. With the sensitive skin type, however, there are widespread smaller cracks, which makes it easier for germs to overcome this barrier. As a result, this can lead to inflammation and infection. Sensitive skin is considered fine-pored, which favors the drying out of the skin and skin irritation. A malfunction of the protective function additionally accelerates the occurrence of the causes.

Causes of sensitive skin

The manifestations of sensitive skin are therefore very varied, but our tendency is often based on a genetic predisposition. While some people visibly suffer from skin problems in dry air, wind, or stress situations, others have no problems with it.
Overview of some typical situations in the symptoms of persons suffering from sensitive skin
Applying a skincare product: It can sometimes cause itching, burning, irritation, redness, and pimples. It is impossible not to exchange one care series for another.
 Bathing and showering: Excessively long showering and bathing procedures dry out the skin and can also lead to redness and scaling.
 Hot water: Anyone exposing their sensitive skin to hot water will unnecessarily burden them. In addition, the skin tends to dry.
 Sun: Ideally, you should avoid direct sunlight on the skin or at least apply sufficient sunscreen. Those who do not risk sunburn with its unpleasant consequences, such as redness, itching, and scaling.
Keep in mind that sensitive skin reacts faster to stimuli than normal skin. A sunburn can, therefore, occur faster and hot water can be significantly more stressful. Sometimes there are also problems when combining the skincare of various care series. Who stays within a care series can be sure that the ingredients fit together.

What should be considered when skincare for sensitive skin

Ideally, you will find a type-appropriate skincare series. In fact, some of the skin's adverse reactions are simply due to improper care. Often the change to another product with other active ingredients is enough.
An unforgivable mistake would be to treat oily skin with other fatty products, it seems logical that the skin can be sensitive here.
Sometimes it is also an Ãœberpflege responsible, so maybe just a little too much cream is applied.
Generally, you should choose cosmetic products without alcohol, so as not to unnecessarily irritate the skin. Alcohol can threaten the protective barrier of the sensitive skin and additionally dry it out. Also, the tonic should not contain alcohol to avoid unnecessary irritation. As far as possible, mild skincare products with a neutral pH should be used.
The ingredients of skin care can also irritate the skin. In particular, fragrances often cause irritation to the skin. It is best to use products that do not contain fragrances, dyes, and preservatives. Hypoallergenic care products are always recommended, especially with the addition of allantoin and thermal water. These ensure a calming and relaxing of the skin.
In summer, it is essential to apply appropriate sunscreen. Also, make sure that your face cream has an appropriate sun protection factor to catch UV rays.
Expired cosmetic products should no longer be used as they may irritate the skin unnecessarily. Even opened products should not u can be used for a long time as they could attack the skin.
As pleasant as peeling for the skin may be, with sensitive skin you should better do without it since the skin is otherwise exposed to another irritation. Instead, you can treat yourself with a moisturizing mask now and then.

Sensitive skin needs proper care

Sensitive skin requires special care, otherwise, the most diverse reactions quickly appear. Redness, tightness, or small dander may occur. Irritation and intolerance to creams and ointments are not rare. If you use too much fat, the face will be greasy, if it contains too little fat, the skin will feel rough.
In every human, the upper skin layer is a protective barrier against environmental influences that act from the outside. In addition, it prevents moisture loss from the inside. Sensitive skin, which does not receive sufficient care and moisture, often has small cracks in this horny layer, germs can penetrate and cause inflammation. The delicate protective cover is delicate and fine-pored, prone to redness and dryness. If the protective function is disturbed, it burns and tensions. In addition, sensitive skin usually reacts to conventional products with intolerances or allergies. Furthermore, it is very thin, therefore tends to wrinkle, and makes an "old" impression quickly. Wrong or missing active ingredients show irritation, this is usually seen first on very thin skin below the eyelid.
Sensitive skin needs relaxing and soothing care products such as thermal water, bisabolol, and allantoin. If she does not get the proper care, she can dry out and look irritated. Another side effect, which brings sensitive skin, is red veins. They shimmer through the skin and show on cheeks and around the nose, the technical term for this is couperose. They can be the result of inflammatory skin disease, sensitive skin is prone to it. Those who have sensitive skin can support the functions of the protective shell such as temperature regulator, fat storage, and defense mechanism and thus improve the necessary barrier function.

Diet for sensitive skin
External influences can have a particularly strong negative impact on sensitive skin. It is therefore important to eat a balanced diet and to pay attention to abundant hydration. In particular, water and unsweetened teas offer this. Only with sufficient moisture from the inside, the skin can maintain all its functions.
On the menu should be many fresh fruits and vegetables. With spicy spices, you should be economical, as these too can have an influence on our skin reactions. Alcohol consumption should be restricted as much as possible.

Allergic skin reaction = sensitive skin?

People who suffer from a contact allergy (contact dermatitis), which is allergic to contact with individual metals or substances, usually suffer from sensitive skin. However, anyone who has sensitive skin does not automatically qualify as an allergy-prone person.
People who suffer from sensitive skin are not to be envied since the skin can react immediately to the annoying symptoms in case of incorrect care.
It should always be ensured that care products are suitable for sensitive skin. In case of doubt always the milder product is preferable. You should also be careful to lead a balanced lifestyle without much stress. Exercise and sport can also have a positive effect on skin disorders. If you finally managed to find a suitable skincare line, you should not change it again, so as not to be exposed to the same problems again.

As pleasant as peeling for the skin may be, with sensitive skin you should better do without it since the skin is otherwise exposed to another irritation. Instead, you can treat yourself with a moisturizing mask now and then.

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