Causes and care for oily skin

care for oily skin

 Fat production of the skin

Oily skin (also known as fatty skin and oily skin) is the most difficult to treat all skin types. Although the causes are often genetic, they can be well influenced.

Fat production is self-draining as a result of sebaceous gland activity. This natural fat production keeps the skin moist and supple. But in some people, the sebaceous glands produce too much fat, resulting in shiny skin and enlarging the pores.
In addition, bacteria often cause inflammation, which often shows up like pimples. Therefore, it is important to cleanse the skin regularly to prevent clogging of the pores.
As small consolation wrinkles form more slowly than in people with dry skin. The skin also reacts more robustly to external stimuli. Nevertheless, oily skin needs proper care.

Oily Skin has greasy skin?

Extremely oily skin is immediately recognizable by its strong shine. However, more people suffer from oily skin.
So, most teenagers have oily skin, because that's the stage of life when hormone production is in full swing. If you have overcome your teenage years, there are other ways to determine if you have fat skin.

Start looking for shine on your skin in front of the mirror, especially for the area of the forehead, the nose area, and the chin area.

If you do not see the shine during the day, check this area first in the morning after getting up. When you spot a shine, it means a lot that you have oily skin or are prone to oily skin. Note also your hair, if these are also greasy this is also an indication for a greasy skin type.
Other notes for oily skin: The make-up wears off quickly or even frequent dabbing the face with a tissue or powder.

Skin blemishes on oily skin
Skin blemishes may also be signs of oily skin, although other factors may cause blemishes. And do not forget: oily skin is not just on the face. The back, neck, chest, shoulders, arms and especially the scalp can all be affected by oily skin.
Women who have switched to contraceptive pills often report improvements. An occasional visit to a beautician is often helpful. But how can you best treat oily skin yourself?

Causes of oily skin

Genetic predispositions are often referred to as the cause. From research, however, we know that hormonal fluctuations are also reasons for an oily complexion, as well as various medications, stress, and heat.
Relaxing activities can, therefore, bring about measurable success in the fight for healthy skin.
Oily skin due to hormone changes occurs mainly during pregnancy, after delivery, but also after the end of the pill. Even during puberty, an increased tendency to oily skin is observed.

The treatment of oily skin

If you have oily skin, you may think that it is best to stop the production of luster-producing moisture. Do not do it! Although they cause trouble for your complexion, the fats produced by the sebaceous glands are important because they act as a natural skin moisturizer. At the same time, oily skin is sometimes very sensitive. Instead of completely fighting sebum production, you should keep it under control.

Another reason for not using moisturizing soaps (care products) is that it can cause the sebaceous glands to increase their fat production. They will instinctively want to replenish the lost fats, which can lead to even bigger problems.
You should keep your greasy skin clean so that the pores remain clean. Otherwise, dead cells, dirt and other bacteria will clog pores and cause blemishes (such as pimples). Ideally, cleanse the skin in the morning and in the evening. Use gentle skin cleansers, a washcloth, and no hot water (the water should be moderately warm). The skin should then be gently dabbed using a fluffy towel. This removes quite a bit of sebum.

As a tonic, an alcohol-based conditioner is also allowed on oily skin. However, the remedy to clear the skin should be swapped immediately for a milder if one notices skin irritation.

The make-up should be applied only after complete facial cleansing. One should choose an oil-free product that is capable of binding the sebum that occurs. In addition, offers a mattifying powder.

It is also recommended by means of weekly application

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