33 Skin care tips that keeps your skin and glowing

33 Skin care tips that keeps your skin and glowing

Tip 1: Regular cleaning

The morning and evening cleansing not only removes creams and make-up but also removes skin fat and sweat. The pores do not clog and bacteria can not multiply.

Tip 2: Cleansing milk instead of water

Water alone is unable to dissolve the greasy mix of sebum, cream, and make-up from the skin. For this one needs lipophilic (fat-dissolving) substances, e.g. are contained in cleansing milk.
The cleansing milk is best rubbed in with fingertips or a sponge and allowed to soak in for a short time and then rinse off with plenty of warm water.

Tip 3: Toning builds up

Facial Toner helps speed up the recovery phase of the acid mantle, which typically takes 20 to 30 minutes to cleanse. In addition, facial lotion removes the limescale deposits of the tap water and cleans residues that could clog the pores in the long term, thus causing impurities.

Tip 4: Cleaning mature skin

For the cleansing of mature skin, water-in-oil emulsions are best suited as they preserve the acid mantle of the skin. Equally suitable are cleansing creams e.g. enriched with valuable vegetable oils such as jojoba, soy, or sweet almonds.

Tip 5: Soap only for sturdy, oily skin

Since soap belongs to the alkaline cleaning agents and thus attacks the acid mantle, soap should be used only for very robust, rather greasy skin. For all other skin types should be dispensed with regular soap.
Tip 6: For sensitive or dry skin, toner without alcohol

In order not to burden the fat and moisture balance of sensitive or dry skin even further, no tonic with alcohol should be used, only alcohol-free Tonics or thermal water sprays. Redness, inflammation, and itching are avoided.

Tip 7: Fine-pored, rosy complexion through peeling

Horned scales make the skin look colorless and dull. An appropriate skin type peeling removes these skin cells without irritating the skin and stimulates blood circulation. Tiny synthetic globules or natural granules of crushed apricot kernels, bran, or sea sand act like ultrafine sandpaper.

Tip 8: Masks - quick beauties

The effect of masks is immediately visible, so masks are also called the fast-paced beauty of cosmetics.
Masks with a high moisture content swell the skin cells, making the skin plumper, fresher and smoother, and wrinkles are reduced.
For tired skin, there are special moisturizing masks with herbal extracts such as menthol, mint, camphor, etc. They have a refreshing and cooling effect, and redness and swelling disappear. Moisturizing masks with extracts of chamomile, balm, and hops soothe sensitive irritated skin.

Tip 9: Night creams support regeneration

At night, the rate of cell division is eight times higher than during the day, i. the regeneration process is in full swing. On mild morning swelling, it can be seen that the removal of lymph fluid and slags does not work so well at night. Night creams with active ingredient complexes of ginkgo, pro-vitamin E, amino acids from wheat proteins, etc. support the regeneration of the skin.

Tip 10: Note the limited shelf life of creams

Printed best before dates apply to unopened jars and tubes. Opened creams should always be well closed and, if possible, used within 3 months, especially if stored at room temperature. The warmer, the faster the contained oils can become rancid or bacteria form in the crucible. This applies all the more to natural cosmetics.
Self-absorbed non-preservative creams should be used immediately or frozen

Tip 11: Vitamin C invigorates the skin

Taut skin gets back into shape with vitamin C. Creams, stimulate the formation of the skin's own collagen fibers and also stimulate cell metabolism.

Tip 12: Tea tree oil against impurities

Tea tree oil (from Australia) in about five percent solution has a strong disinfectant and fights pimples. After at least two to three days, the improvement should be visible.

Tip 13: Beware of extreme diets

Extreme fluctuations in body weight also affect the elastic fibers of the skin. Massages, sports, and body care can prevent this. Weight fluctuations up to two kilos, however, are harmless.

Tip 14: Moisture for oily skin

With greasy skin, there is a sebum overproduction. Care should, therefore, be taken during the care that the skin is very much moist, but no fat is supplied. Well, suited are light hydrogels or an oil-free fluid, especially for oily skin.

Tip 15: Facial Massage for better blood circulation

With only four handles, each used for 20 seconds, excellent results can be achieved. A nutrient cream is very well suited to combine the creaming with a soothing massage.
1. Using both palms, spread across the nose over the cheeks in the direction of the ears. 2. Spread the forehead with the index, middle, and ring fingers from the root of the nose to the hairline. 3. Draw semicircles around the mouth with both middle and ring fingers. 4. Paint across the bridge of the nose and eyebrows in one go.

Tip 16: moisturizer on damp skin

Moist skin is swollen and more receptive than dry. So it is advisable to apply moisturizers in this state in upward and circular motions.

 Tip 17: Moisture for dry skin

Moisturizers such as ceramides, hyaluronic acid, or synthetically produced urea inject water into the dry skin and create moisture deposits. Since very dry skin is not able to do this by itself, the use of so-called moisturizing creams is recommended.

Tip 18: Avoid red veins

If you do not want to burden sensible skin that is prone to couperose (extended red veins), you should avoid strong drops in temperature. Hazardous areas include the sauna, solarium, and air-conditioned rooms. The enjoyment of nicotine, alcohol, and spicy foods, should be limited.

Tip 19: Steam makes the skin receptive

Heat and rising steam open the pores, make the skin more receptive and allow the active ingredients to penetrate better. So it is advisable to couple the face mask with a full bath. Following the same principle, the skin can also be prepared with warm compresses on the care. Simply put a terry towel in hot water, wring well, and put on the skin. Repeat the process several times.
Attention: make an exfoliation before applying the mask, which optimizes the absorption of the active ingredients

Tip 20: Pamper neck area with oil wraps

From the age of 35 years, something should be done regularly for the often-neglected neck area, because the skin there especially quickly slackens and wrinkles. Oil wraps have proven to be effective: mix three teaspoons of warmed oil (such as almond, avocado, sunflower, wheat germ, olive, or velvety root oil) with the same amount of liquid honey and apply a masking brush to the area between the chin and collarbone. When finished, the lot is covered with a damp cotton cloth and wrapped in soft terry cloth. Take off after half an hour.

Tip 21: Tired eyes refresh

Pour half a teaspoon of herbs from the pharmacy such as eyebright, lime blossom, or fennel with 125 ml of boiling water, draw and allow to cool. Soak two cotton pads with the brew and squeeze on the back of the hand, before letting them rest on your closed eyelids for about 10 minutes. There are also finished eye pads that are already saturated with decongestants.

Tip 22: Ice cube massage for good blood circulation

Best to add distilled water with a dash of lemon juice and freeze. For better circulation, e.g. legs, place the ice cubes on a wash and massage in a circular motion. The cold shock causes the blood vessels to contract quickly. The lemon has an astringent effect.

 Tip 23: Cold for swelling

Swallowed, gel-filled teething rings stored in a refrigerator make swollen eyelids fall back to normal size. If necessary, it also does a well-cooled towel.

Tip 24: Maintain chapped lips.

Wind, sun exposure, and lack of care dry out the lip skin. Lip care sticks or creams protect the lip skin and prevent the skin's moisture from evaporating. Chronically dry lips should be treated with a natural oil-based conditioner (such as castor, almond, or jojoba oils) or a dollop of honey. Often, colored lipsticks with lanolin have the same effect.
Tip 25: Remove blackheads in 2 phases

To unpleasant inflammations when expressing so-called blackheads it is advisable to remove annoying Talgpfropfen on the nose, forehead, and chin with so-called anti-comedone strips. These strips work on the moistening, sticking, and peeling principle. In phase 1, the polymers in the strip combine with the blackheads. When removing the blackhead is removed from the pore. The treated skin is rubbed off in phase 2 with an antibacterial cloth.

Tip 26: Do not pluck and tug

In order to make the skincare as gentle as possible and to improve the absorption of the active ingredients, the skin should be treated gently. The skincare preparations on the forehead and cheeks easily work in with circular movements. Gently pat around the eye area with the fingertips of the middle fingers. In the Neck area, the care creams are always on the entire palm of your hand from top to bottom.

Tip 27: Oxygen keeps you young

Those who spend a lot of time in the fresh air pump a lot of oxygen into their lungs: 95% via the respiratory system, 5% through the skin. Oxygenated creams can deliver the drug directly to the cells. In the cells, the oxygen causes a dividing impulse, which makes the skin look younger and fresher.

Tip 28: Drink a lot

The body consists of over 70 percent of water. If there is a lack of moisture, wrinkles will quickly develop, so it is recommended to drink at least 3 liters, preferably mineral or unsweetened tea, during the day.

Tip 29: Sleep well

When it comes to the skin, it should already be 8 hours of sleep a night. Instead of a cuddly down pillow, a firm, flat pillow should be used. Thus, the cervical spine remains straight while lying and creases have no chance. Abdominal sleepers usually turn their heads very hard and should try to sleep in a different position.

Tip 30: Cell renewal with vitamin A acid

In the fight against wrinkles, vitamin A acid is a very effective active ingredient. However, the problem is its irritating effect. Today, therefore, the active ingredient is preferably used by dermatologists to smooth the skin, e.g. in premature wrinkling or acne scars. He finds himself only rarely in cosmetic preparations.

Tip 31: Milk bath for smooth skin

A milk bath, or whey bath relaxes, makes beautiful, and soothes dry, sensitive skin. The causes are milk sugar, which is a great moisture binder, and lots of vitamins, minerals, lactic acid, fat, and protein. All of these ingredients are important for cell regeneration and nutrition.

Tip 32: Fruit acids for thick, coarse-pored skin

Through the use of AHA and BHA (alpha and beta hydroxy acids) containing creams, also known as fruit acid creams, the horny layer of the skin is thinner and at the same time, cell renewal is accelerated. The result is finer and smoother skin, the skin is better moisturized. Caution: Avoid sunbathing, as pigmentation disorders may occur.

Tip 33: Q 10 against free radicals

Aggressive, oxygen molecules fuel the skin aging process. With Q 10, a co-enzyme that is also formed by our body itself, the so-called free radicals can be neutralized. Q 10 is used in many face creams and capsules for supplementation.

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