How to lose weight naturally

In order to lose weight naturally, one must be aware of the various methods and exercises that are available to them. When starting out, it is important to set realistic goals and to be patient while working towards them. There are a variety of ways to lose weight, so it is important to find the one that works best for you. Below are some of the ways which help in losing weight naturally and healthy way.

1. Avoid processed foods

 Processed foods have been stripped of their nutrients. Many people consume these types of food due to convenience. Since they don’t know how to cook their own meals, they turn to fast-food restaurants and junk food. These types of foods are high in sodium, sugar, and trans fats. When people eat these kinds of food regularly, they tend to gain weight over time. To avoid these negative effects, try making healthier choices while grocery shopping. Instead of buying packaged snacks, make sure to buy fresh fruit and vegetables instead. If you need something to munch on between meals, opt for almonds instead of chips.

 2. Eat breakfast

 Most experts agree that consuming breakfast is extremely beneficial to weight loss. People who ate breakfast were less likely to engage in unhealthy habits such as snacking throughout the day. They also had increased energy levels compared to those who skipped breakfast. Studies show that skipping breakfast results in lower energy intake later in the day. In addition, eating a balanced diet at meal times helps control calorie intake.

A good way to start your morning is by choosing a small portion of protein and whole-grain cereal. You may want to add some berries for added flavor and vitamins.

 3. Drink plenty of water

Drink Plenty of Water

Drinking enough water is paramount to maintaining a healthy body. It is recommended drinking of 8 glasses of water per day. Water helps flush out toxins from our cells, thus reducing bloating and swelling. It also boosts the immune system, flushes stagnant fluids from the kidneys, increases muscle mass, and maintains skin elasticity. Make sure to drink filtered water rather than regular tap water.

Try using a pitcher filter to reduce chlorine and fluoride, both of which could cause stomach discomfort.

 4. Exercise daily

Exercise daily

Get regular exercise. Exercise boosts your basal metabolic rate and helps you burn off calories throughout the day. Start slow - 10 minutes of brisk walking is great for beginners! You don't need to run marathons to build muscle; just 30 minutes of moderate activity 5 times per week should do the trick.

 5. Reduce emotional eating

 Emotional eating tends to occur when we feel stressed or anxious about certain situations. We often crave comfort foods like ice cream, chocolate, pizza, and potato chips. Unfortunately, these foods have little nutritional value and cause us to gain weight. If you find yourself feeling anxious, seek out ways to relax and distract yourself. Focus on breathing deeply and counting backward from 10. Engaging in any activity that takes your mind off your worries can help relieve your feelings of stress.

 6. Eat dark leafy greens

Eat dark leafy greens

 Dark leafy greens are a great source of iron, fiber, folate, vitamin C, and B vitamins. Green is the color of nature and provides natural antioxidants which fight free radicals. This means they protect the DNA inside each cell by neutralizing harmful substances called reactive oxygen species (ROS). ROS damage healthy cells in the body, causing inflammation and aging. Antioxidants play an important role in keeping the body young and disease-free; therefore, you should strive to get your fill of them every day. Include spinach, kale, collards, chard, mustard greens, arugula, and parsley in your diet.

 7. Eatfewer calories than your body burns.

Eat fewer calories than your body burns.

If you eat less food than what your body uses at rest (basal metabolic rate), then you'll start losing weight. A pound of fat equals 3500 calories. So, if you burn 500 calories per day at rest, you're not eating enough to gain any weight. On average, a woman burns about 2000 calories per day while resting. In order to maintain her current weight, she'd have to eat approximately 1500 calories less each day.

 8. Avoid diet pills.

There's no magic pill that makes people lose weight without changing their lifestyle. Many over-the-counter weight loss supplements contain ingredients that are harmful to our liver and kidneys and could lead to serious conditions like kidney failure. Stick to natural remedies for weight loss instead.

9. Reduce portion sizes.

 Studies show that when we overeat, we tend to eat more calories later on in the day. Since lunchtime is often considered the biggest meal of the day, it's best to stick to smaller portions when possible.

10. Cut out fatty foods.

 Don't get rid of fats completely. Instead, reduce the number of saturated fats in your diet. Saturated fats will raise cholesterol levels, which increases the risk of heart disease and stroke. Trans fats are even worse since they're linked to increased bad LDL cholesterol.

 11. Increase fiber. 

High-fiber foods take longer for your stomach to digest than highly processed grains and refined carbs. When you eat less and slower, you won't be hungry again until 2 hours after you finish eating. Fibre also keeps you feeling full longer, making you less likely to reach for high-calorie snacks later in the day.

12. Exhaust yourself. 

Try working harder than usual at the gym. Push yourself to exhaustion 4 times per week. Most people can only last 20 minutes, but you might be able to go half an hour or more!

 13. Find pleasure in activities.

 Whether it's reading, swimming, dancing, gardening, or something else, find ways to enjoy yourself. These activities give you positive rewards and make you happy, which reduces the urge to snack.

 12. Take time to relax.

Take time to relax.

 Be sure to get adequate sleep for about 7.5-8 hours each night. And if you have trouble sleeping, try taking melatonin.

 13. Remember: You can't outrun a bad diet. Even if you go to extreme measures to lose weight, you'll still fail unless you change your lifestyle. 


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