Lose weight according to plan:lose weight effectively without a diet!

Metabolic diet, juice cure, or half eat - everything tried, but nothing worked?  The nutrition plan shows you how losing weight works according to the plan.

lose weight effectively without a diet!

Lose Weight - The Basics

Burn more energy than you eat - in theory, losing weight sounds pretty simple.

Crash diets promise you a bikini body overnight and are often associated with a high-calorie deficit. A quick weight loss success comes at the expense of your body.

If your calorie deficit is higher than your basal metabolism, this puts your body in an energy-saving mode in the long term.

On the one hand, this is a smart reaction from your body: because less energy is available, it lowers your basal metabolism.

On the other hand, this can lead to food cravings and thus to the widely feared yo-yo effect.

If you eat normal portions again, it stores the excess energy as an energy reserve in the form of fat in your cells.

Everything starts again: In the worst case, you gain weight again.

If you want to lose weight, we, therefore, recommend a moderate calorie deficit of 300 - 500 calories and regular exercise.

Building muscle will help increase your basal metabolic rate. So your total calorie requirement increases.

You achieve long-term goals with a long-term change in your lifestyle. A nutritional plan can help you start your diet consciously.

4 tips to lose weight according to a plan

lose weight effectively without a diet!
Lose weight in the long term - you're dietary change should be a complete success. Before you head overhead into a pre-made nutrition plan, we'll show you how to create the right foundation for it.

Go shopping according to the plan

Sit down once a week and write a nutrition plan. A shopping list can be made from your nutrition plan in no time at all. You don't want to commit to what you want to eat? Then always have healthy basics in your kitchen cupboard. Make a smarter buying decision: Avoid going shopping without a shopping list or hungry.

Take time to prepare

The excuse not to have time for a healthy diet doesn't count. The key to long-term weight loss is preparation. The pre-cooking of individual dishes helps you to stay on track in your eating plan. Not only that, but it also saves you time in the long run. Even healthy snacks can be prepared: Fruits and vegetables are quickly cut small and stowed.

Cook for two

Always cook the extra portion and keep the rest for the next few days. You can safely store your food in your refrigerator for 1-2 days. So you have your next dinner or lunch ready without having to swing the wooden spoon for it.

Don't skip meals
Your lunch was huge and you don't feel like you can eat anything in the next few hours? Do not skip meals and try to get your body used to a regular eating routine. Instead, make sure to check your portion sizes.

Diet plan to lose weight

Lose weight without sacrificing certain food groups or macronutrients. Our nutrition plan gives you the inspiration you need on your plate. It is designed for the average total energy consumption of 1600 calories in deficit.

Do you want to follow our nutrition plan? The first step is to calculate your total energy consumption and the resulting calorie intake in the deficit. Be sure to check out our calorie calculator and have it conveniently determined online.

You need less than 1600 calories in the deficit. No problem! With these tips, you can quickly change the amount of energy:

  • mix shakes with water instead of milk
  • replace whole milk variants with the semi-fat alternatives
  • reduce the portion size
  • reduce the carbohydrate side dish

Losing weight is a long-term process and your calorie deficit shouldn't last just over a week. Choose a small deficit at the beginning and increase it slowly if you make no progress.

In the end, the overall balance always counts, which is why it is important to change your diet over a longer period.

Nobody wants to count calories all his life. To lose healthy weight, we, therefore, recommend not constantly counting calories but learning more to listen to your body signals.

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