The Top-10-vitamins-for-good-health

The Top 10 vitamins for Good Health. Vitamins are the most important building blocks of our lives. Without vitamins goes nothing: We humans get sick and sicker – Vitamin deficiency can even lead to death. What are vitamins, why our bodies need, we find enough vitamins in our food, what happens if we have a lack of vitamins, it is sufficient if we eat a lot of fruit?

The Top 10 vitamins For Good Health that we need daily. We have to take most of the vitamins in the diet that they cannot make it our bodies. Vitamins strengthen our immune system; they prevent diseases before they are important for our metabolic systems and many body functions. Vitamins need newborns and the elderly. When we are under stress, exposed to great physical strains, then we need more vitamins. We need vitamins just as an embryo in the womb – for example, the vitamin folic acid.

The Top-10-vitamins

The Top 10 vitamins for Good Health.

Vitamin A: Help for the eyes

The Top 10 vitamins for Good Health.

You can see well at dusk and even at night? Then you owe a balanced vitamin A budget. Because Vitamin A and its precursors ensure that you can see well even in dim light. And very important: This vitamin helps protect you from the dreaded night blindness. It is also an important protective factor against sunlight and UV light and regulates bone growth. An adult needs per day approximately 0.8 to 1 milligram of vitamin A. For this, you need 100g of carrots (with oil or fat) to eat. One hundred grams of chicken meat has 4 milligrams, and 100g of beef liver is 7.5 milligrams.

The lack of vitamin A, you can easily recognize: infections, dry skin, hair loss, blurred vision with night blindness or exhaustion are the consequences.

Vitamin Biotin: The beautifier

Biotin is responsible for many important metabolic processes. Particularly well known is that it makes beautiful hair and beautiful skin. Biotin, we eat with liver, egg yolk, oatmeal, carrots, and peanuts. As an adult, it takes 30 to 60 micrograms per day, and children only 10 to 35 micrograms. Biotin deficiency is manifested by skin inflammation, hair loss, loss of appetite, nausea, or even depression. Since biotin is found in nearly all foods, it is rare for vitamin deficiency.

Vitamin B1: Anemia Preventative

Vitamin B1: Provides energy and is important for the formation of chemical messengers of the nervous system and blood formation. Per day the man between 0.6 and 1.4 milligrams needs (adult). When it comes to lack of vitamin B1, disturbances of glucose metabolism, anemia, fatigue, increased irritability, nervous disorders or heart failure may develop. That’s the good vitamin B1 supplier per 100 grams: soybeans (0.4 mg), yeast (1 mg), sunflower seeds (1.9 mg), or wheat germ (2 mg).

Vitamin B6: strengthens the nerves

This vitamin is also known as pyridoxine and plays a crucial role in the construction of proteins, sugar metabolism, and blood formation. To stay healthy we need vitamin B6 daily between 1 to 1.5 milligrams. With the lack of Vitamin B6, you can easily recognize a loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, skin infections, Anemia, and nervous system disorders. With proper nutrition, it cannot come to such a vitamin deficiency actually. In these foods, there is Vitamin B6: In 100 g in potatoes (0.3 mg), mackerel (0.6 mg), Sardine (1 mg), soybeans (1 mg), or wheat germ (4 mg).

Vitamin B12: Most important for blood formation

Also, this vitamin (Cobalamin) has different roles: It is important for blood formation, cell division, and the nervous system. Children need about 2 micrograms per day, up to 3 adults, and nursing mothers 4 micrograms. These foods are per 100g including Quark 0.9 micrograms, soft cheese with a high-fat content of 2-3 micrograms, mackerel, and herring 9-10 micrograms, 40 micrograms porcine liver. Barley deficiency of vitamin B12 is then disturbed by blood formation, which may come to anemia. Outer nerves are disturbed and there is an increased risk of dementia.

Vitamin C: Our most important immune protection

With vitamin C (ascorbic acid) protects our cells from harmful free radicals. It intercepts them and renders them harmless. It aids in the absorption of iron in the intestine, it is important for connective tissue, bone formation, and cholesterol metabolism. An adult needs about 100 milligrams, pregnant women and nursing mothers up to 150 milligrams, and 150 milligrams of smoking also. A lack of vitamin C is manifested by susceptibility to infections, bleeding gums and tooth loss, weakness of the connective tissue, small ecchymosed, joint inflammation, or muscle wasting. In 100 grams of the following foods more vitamin C plug-quantities: calf liver (40 mg), lemon (50 mg), Kiwi (80 mg), peppers (100 mg), parsley (150 mg), Rosehip has a tremendous 1200 mg. But who eats 100 grams of rose hips on the day.

Vitamin D: For Healthy bones and hard

Our bones need to keep the whole of life – and much to endure. You have to be tough and durable. For this we need vitamin D. This ensures that muscles and nerves work well. Normally, vitamin D is formed by the skin when exposed to sunlight. That is the age required in pregnancy and during lactation. The daily requirement is 20 micrograms. The following foods contain per 100g: 3 micrograms of cheese, 5 micrograms of egg, 10 micrograms of sardine, 18 micrograms of salmon, eel, and cod liver oil 25 micrograms of legendary 3800 micrograms. If there is a deficiency, the consequences are osteoporosis, susceptibility to infections, and muscle weakness.

Vitamin E: The skin and nervous system

Vitamin E is an important aid for the immune system: It intercepts free radicals and destroys them. Moreover, it plays an important role in metabolism, in the nervous system, wherein the function of the gonads and the regeneration of the skin. Pro Tg needs for women and children 8 to 12 milligrams of vitamin E, 15 milligrams for men, and for breastfeeding 17 milligrams. So much vitamin E is in these foods: egg (6 mg), peanut (8.8 mg), sunflower seeds (38 mg), olive oil (200 mg), and wheat germ oil up to 2500 mg. These are the signs of a vitamin E deficiency: dry, wrinkled skin, rapid physical and mental fatigue, impaired wound healing, and an increased risk of atherosclerosis.

Vitamin K: So that the blood coagulates

If the bleeding does not work, it can have serious consequences. Often a vitamin deficiency is a cause: Vitamin K is not present to a sufficient extent. The daily requirement: Children 10 micrograms per kilogram of body weight, 65 micrograms for women, 80 micrograms for men. The following symptoms indicate a deficiency of vitamin K: increased bleeding and intracranial bleeding. In 100g, 790 micrograms were contained in the 190 White beans, 300 in chickens, 400 spinach, 600 cresses, and parsley.

Folic Acid: The Vitamin of the genes

This vitamin plays an important role in the development of the genetic material DNA. Well for growth and multiplication of cells, the development of the nervous system, and blood formation. The daily requirement is in the first year of life at 60 to 80 micrograms, in infants at 200 to 300 micrograms, children and adults need 400 micrograms, 600 micrograms for pregnant and breastfeeding. Folic acid deficiency during pregnancy can cause serious harm to the development of the nervous system in the embryo. Therefore, pregnant women must necessarily ensure that there is no lack of vitamin folic acid. The foods contain 100g of folic acid: Chive (80 micrograms), sunflower seeds (100 micrograms), egg (130 micrograms), bovine liver (225 micrograms), and chicken liver (390 micrograms).

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