19 amazing health effects from Avocado

There are 19 Amazing health effects you probably expect from Avocado. 

Avocado is rich in nutrients, vitamins, and antioxidants, and learn about the effects of avocado on health

19 amazing health effects from Avocado

1. The effect of reducing blood pressure, and preventing stroke

Potassium is a nutrient that balances water and body electrolytes, helping to maintain the daily functioning of the heart. Avocado contains a lot of potassium, in 100g contains up to 14% of the amount of potassium needed in 1 day, much higher than bananas, and oranges ... Eating avocado has the effect of adding enough potassium needed to help lower blood pressure, making Reduce heart attacks, strokes

2. Benefits of avocado are good for heart health

The benefit of the avocado when it is absorbed is that it enhances HDL cholesterol, the good cholesterol that has a positive effect on heart health, According to many studies, eating avocado regularly helps provide monounsaturated oleic acid. Good for the heart, reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, treat diseases related to blood fat

3. The use of weight loss

Many studies show that people who eat avocado regularly have lower weight and BMI than those who do not eat butter. People who eat avocado feel full and reduce cravings more. In terms of nutritional content, avocado is high in fiber, and very low in carbs, both of which have benefits in terms of weight loss

4. Good for the digestive system

100g of avocado contains 7g of fiber, accounting for 27% of the body's needs in a day, this is the substance known to feed the beneficial bacteria in the intestinal tract, supporting digestion and better metabolism.

5. Lowers cholesterol

According to an avocado study, it has a very good effect on lowering cholesterol. Specifically, people who eat avocado regularly significantly reduce cholesterol, Reduce blood triglycerides by 20%, Reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol by 22%, and Increase HDL cholesterol (prime) by up to 11%.

6. Against wrinkles

The essential fatty acids (EFA) in avocados can delay the signs of skin aging. EFA is important for tissue lipid synthesis, which inhibits wrinkle formation.
Studies show that eating avocado can increase the total amount of collagen in the skin and avocado oil has also been used to heal wounds and fade wrinkles.

7. Enhance the absorption of substances of the same food

According to research, avocados can make the body absorb more of the other substances found in foods eaten. For example, when eating avocado with salads, it can increase the absorption of antioxidants by 2.6 to 15 times. Similarly, avocado has the effect of increasing the absorption of vitamins A, D, E, and K

8. Eye health support effects

Avocado contains many good antioxidants for the eyes, and avocados contain carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin which are important for eye health.
According to studies, avocado helps to increase the absorption of antioxidants from foods eaten, significantly reducing the risk of cataracts, and macular degeneration common in the elderly.

19 amazing health effects from Avocado

9. Avocado has the effect of preventing cancer

Numerous in vitro studies have demonstrated that avocado is beneficial in supporting treatment and reducing the risk of cancer. The effects of avocado reduce the effects of chemotherapy, and radiation therapy in lymphocytes in people being treated for cancer.
Avocado extract has also been shown to inhibit the growth of prostate cancer cells

10. Reduce signs of arthritis

Many studies show that avocado and soy oil extracts can reduce osteoarthritis

11. Increase cognitive ability, fight Alzheimer's disease

The monounsaturated fats in avocados have beneficial effects on cognitive function. In addition, the vitamin E contained in avocados also has this effect.
In addition, studies show that vitamin E and antioxidants have a protective effect against Alzheimer's disease

12. Improve bone health

Avocado contains boron, a mineral that enhances absorption, and metabolism of calcium and is beneficial for bones
Avocados are also rich in vitamin K, which has important benefits for bone health, vitamin K helps promote bone formation and prevents osteoporosis.

13. Eating avocado is good for diabetes

According to the American Diabetes Association, avocado is a very good fruit for diabetics, avocado is a food rich in monounsaturated fat, very good for the diet of diabetes.
According to research by the American Diabetes Association, the fiber in avocado is also beneficial in reducing the fasting blood sugar of diabetics.

14. Support the treatment of psoriasis

Avocado is rich in vitamin B12, which is quite effective in treating psoriasis
In addition to the monounsaturated fats in avocados can fight inflammation and thus may also help treat psoriasis.

15. Strengthen hair health

The vitamin E in avocados can help strengthen hair and promote hair growth. Vitamin E also helps to restore scalp damage, hair growth
The simple method is to slice the avocado, crush it with chicken egg yolk, apply the mixture to damp hair 20p, then rinse.

16. Anti-inflammatory, wound healing

Avocado is rich in omega-3 fats, carotenoids, and vitamins, which help support the treatment and prevention of infection and wound healing. The weak can drink milkshakes, just good for wounds, just quickly recover
The avocado smoothie effect is very good for health

17. Effect of butter on pregnant women

Preventing birth defects: In avocado contains folate, which is a nutrient that helps prevent birth defects
Reduce morning sickness: Vitamin B6 contained in avocado has the effect of reducing the vomiting of pregnant women
Development of the fetal brain: The healthy fats in avocado are good for the heart of the pregnant woman and the fetus' brain. In the first 3 months, eating avocado will give birth to smarter babies

18. The effect of avocado on men

Avocado contains vitamin E, potassium, and oleic acid to help muscle contraction and better blood circulation, thereby helping gentlemen stay in better shape, against physiological weakness in battle

19. Effects of avocado on young children

Avocados are high in fat but are healthy fats, mostly monounsaturated fats, which do not raise cholesterol by a sufficient amount. Also avocado contains omega 3 to enhance intelligence

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