6 Effective Skin care and Tips

Skincare tips that I have for you so this is all from my personal experience but also keep that in mind it is my personal experience I am NOT a professional if you guys have some deep skincare issues please consult a professional okay this is just what works for me and has worked for me in the past a lot of you guys ask me of my skincare tips that I got how I keep clear skin all that stuff I decided to take off my makeup because of last skincare tip  I put a full face of makeup on it's like who are you to talk about skincare when I can't even see your skin I totally agree with that so fresh face I am ready to start the eight skincare tips

Effective Skin care and Tips

The First tip for skin care  is a healthy diet

 The first tip that I have for you guys is that fats and by fats, I mean healthy fats your diet is a huge part of your skin and is like the body's biggest organ when you're eating unhealthy it will flourish through your skin when you're eating healthy again it'll flourish through your skin fats are so good for your skin because they contain omega-6 fatty acids which are the building blocks for your cell membranes when you eat a lot of fats not only does it hydrate your skin but it also radiates your skin some healthy fats that I recommend are coconut oil avocados fish olives nuts are a big one walnuts almonds cashews peanuts these are so good for your skin when I find my skin looking very dull and dry I look at my diet and on I'm not eating enough fat

The Second tip is to stick to products that have quality

The second tip that I have for you guys is less is always more the fewer products that you put on your skin the better you want simplistic products you want to stick to the products that you do have quality over quantity I know a lot of the times these big new products come out, and they're very thrown in our face through advertisements and sponsors and all that kind of stuff but what's really important is to stick what works for you don't hop around different products because your skin is just going to go haywire my skin care products that I use a very simple five-step skincare routine so be on the lookout for that keep in mind that when you do ever change your skincare or you're trying out a new product a lot of the times it takes a while for your skin to get used to it, so we can get breakouts from it obviously like rashes and irritations means like your skin is reacting badly but if you get acne breakouts or anything like that just a few here and there if you're switching up your products, your skin is just kind of detoxifying and that's kind of show through acne so not all acne is bad especially if you're switching out different products but again try your best not to find one product and stick to it. we do not need 20 different face washes and 20 different face masks to stick to one

The third tip that I have for you is to weigh it out if you happen to have a pimple or two do not pop it touch it play with it put makeup on it if you can hold off on that one it is so important to let it breathe let it do its thing and it'll go away on its own it might take a few days it might look ugly but trust me it's worth  better than popping it and one getting a scar and two all that pus and bacteria that you just popped not only did it get on your fingers which you're gonna touch your face more probably throughout the day but it also pops in the bacteria spreads throughout that area that you just popped it you'll get more pimples that are such a big whimpering that I don't understand how people like don't understand that

The fourth tip wash your sheets once every week

The fourth tip that I have for you are to wash your sheets once every week or two weeks when we lay down on our pillow our excess oil bacteria and dirt especially if you didn't clean up your makeup or clean your face before you fell asleep is going to accumulate on your pillow oh and your pillow sheets if you don't wash your pillow and pillows sheets you'll be sleeping on that and rubbing it into your face every single night all this bacterial build-up is now gonna be on your face so it's super important to wash your sheets at least once every two weeks

The fifth tip  is to use products according to your skin type

The fifth tip that I have for you guys is that you could be missing something if you are having irritations on your skin if you're having different problems that keep arising odds are you have a vitamin deficiency or you're not getting enough of some sort of nutrients in your diet again your diet plays a huge role in your skin so when your skin starts messing up the first thing that I always look at is my diet there are different quizzes that you can take I just recently took the care of quiz and it showed me which vitamins I was deficient in which vitamins I needed based on what I eat so I will leave a few of the like vitamin deficiency tests down below see which vitamins you're lacking I can play a huge role in getting the vital nutrients that you need for your skin to flourish actually looked up like what vitamins were deficient and what it means for your skin so like lack of vitamin A means like you can have a very scaly dry skin like a vitamin D you have very flaky irritant skin vitamin E you're more likely prone to get sun damage and if you're lacking vitamin C you get very scaly and rough skin so try looking at your diet when it comes to like skin problems I personally take the care of vitamins that I just told you guys about do a quiz you get like a little packet of daily vitamins I also really like the Vega one all in one shake that has all the vitamins and nutrients that you need especially if you're vegan or plant-based because you miss a lot of different nutrients that you need if you are plant-based that shake is really really good I find myself craving it which makes me think that there's something in there that like I'm lacking but I get it because it's like a multivitamin but it's in the form of like a milkshake.

The sixth is not use acne products

The six tip that I have for you guys does not use acne products that say for acne-prone skin get rid of your acne do not use those products without a professional telling you so because of a lot of these contain very very harsh chemicals that literally strip your skin of all of the naturally produced oils on your skin and it's just so bad for your skin not only your skin but it seeps into your pores and gets into your bloodstream it's just not seen if you have an acne problem instead of buying different products that are on the shelves right now and like testing it out failing and failing and failing to fail and to get your skin even worse than it already is just go to a one-stop-shop go to a professional go to a dermatologist I am gonna open up to you guys when I was in high school I had really done acne on my shoulders because I would run outside in the sweat and grime would get into it and tried all these firm products and it was like making me so irritated I wasted all my money all my time I was getting worse and then I finally just like that the bullet looked up the highest-rated dermatologist in my area went to them and it was gone in a week you have to get professional help please do not listen to these celebrity endorsements advertisements about acne-prone products without seeking professional help first you're gonna save a lot of money a lot of your time you're gonna get rid of the acne way quicker with the professional then you are just alone on your own in the middle of the Walgreens a lot of different acne products - I've heard I don't know for 100% but I've heard especially Proactiv that if you use it it'll get rid of your acne but your skin gets used to having those certain products on your skin every day so when you stop not only does it come back but it comes back fuller so you're almost like masking the acne but you're not diving deeper into like the root problem of fixing your acne you're gonna be like on these products all the time these seven things that I have for you guys is makeup detoxing days so this is for us women men whatever I don't know why I just said that it could be anyone okay we're in 2019 Renee but makeup clogs your pores so bad makeup is not good for your skin some of them have really harsh chemicals it's just not good to put all this stuff on your face and I understand makeup is fine makeup is an art I love wearing makeup but if you have a day off trying to take a makeup detox because that'll just literally open up your pores and get your skin to be able to breathe without masking your pores and closing up all the breathing Airways of your skin whatever that is it'll produce your oils naturally rather than masking them or creating unnecessary oils that you are adding to your face with these makeup products and it will clear your skin like no other and again if you take off your makeup for a couple days and you notice that you're starting to get pimples that's your body detoxing that is o.k that's just getting rid of all the gunk that is lit in your skin don't freak out and think that you have to put more makeup on to mask that because then you're just going to be in a vicious cycle putting makeup on your pimples not letting it breathe out and creating more in the process and the last and final and most important tip I believe is to own your skin if you look in the mirror every day and you sit there and knit pick at every little thing that's wrong with your skin you're only gonna be focusing on that and zoning in on that and your skin is gonna reflect when you sit there and look at all the beautiful things in your face and you focus on what you do like about yourself you will gain more the self-confidence you'll be able to see it flourished and to poke through your skin and you'll radiate beauty from within I'm not just saying that to be corny this is 100% true this is one that I believe is really really important mentally you're going to see it reflect physically those are my skincare tips I hope one of them has.

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